· 2 min read

Simulaneously running Linux and Windows

Over the past few years I’ve been using PC virtualization software such as VMware and Virtual PC to run multiple operating systems simulatneously (I’ve got a dual-CPU AMD with 2GB RAM and about 400GB disk space so computing power is not a problem). For example, to connect to my a client’s office network using a VPN I created a separate virtual workstation and run Cisco’s VPN software in the virtual workstation. That way, I can connect via both the VPN and my local network connection at the same time. It works like a charm. Also, I’ve created some “play workstations” that I can install new software in without affecting my “real” workstation. I run Debian Linux as a virtual workstation too. So all this works great, but sometimes I want to be able to run Linux software in the same address space (instead of a separate PC) and have to use something like Cygwin. However, a few weeks ago I ran across a new Linux distribution called coLinux that allows you to run Linux software under Windows (allowing Linux to cohabitate with Windows). Although the software is pretty new and not quite bug-free, it’s worth taking a look at if you want run Linux software and your Windows applications side by side.

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